Quality certification

ISO9001 Certification

The production process is monitored and controlled through the ISO9001: 2015 Quality Management System. Every year Agencavi Systems invests time and money in the production process improvement in order to ensure our customers that the manufactured products meet the most stringent quality standards.

Thecontactscrimpingis made bycrimpingmachineswithintegrated quality control; we can detect and controlcrimp heights,performtensile testsandmetallographic specimens. These are onlysome examples of the controlsthat are carried outdaily inthe production line.In addition,tests such aswiring, dielectric strengthand insulation circuit controls are carried outonfinished products.

The goal of all these controls is to assure our customers that the product is ready to be assembled directly on the machine, without the need of any additional control.

Our test system offers you the guarantee that the products manufactured by Agencavi Systems are 100% tested. We also give our customers the possibility to trace the production process and the electrical characteristics of the product thanks to a label test certificate that is placed directly on the wiring.

You can display our Quality Management System Certificate by clicking on the image on the bottom or you can download the pdf file here

Underwriters Laboratories COMPLIANCE

Since 2021 Agencavi systems has been a UL certified company with file number E500683, we are therefore equipped to meet the needs of the US and Canadian markets.

A copy of the Certificate of Compliance can be viewed by clicking on the UL logo


Since 2024 our production process has been certified according to the IPC/WHMA standard for the American market.

We can supply products that meet IPC 620 quality standards.

Request a test report

If you have already received one of our cables and want to receive the test report, fill out the form on the side and we will send it to you as soon as possible.

The serial number can be found on the label affixed to the cable connector as shown in the example below


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